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What is cultural development? How does it contribute to a flourishing society?
What role do private individuals have in supporting cultural development?
What is the relationship between market principles and the cultural return of the arts?
What is lost when this responsibility is relegated strictly to institutions or the government?

Host: David Michael Phelps


6:00 pm Casual start time
6:30 pm Michael speaks!


Derby Station (formerly Graydon's Crossing)
2237 Wealthy St. SE, East Grand Rapids 49506


No need to register and no registration fees.
Seating is limited! Please arrive early!

David Michael Phelps

David Michael Phelps is a writer, producer, story consultant, script doctor, and lecturer.  He received his master's degree from Central Michigan University where he studied narratology and wrote his thesis on narrative screenplay adaptation. He taught literature and writing for five years before working as a producer and writer for Acton Media. He then spent two years as the Director of Development for Compass Film Academy where he oversaw an institutional redesign of the school and mentored screenwriting students.Currently, David works as a writer and producer under the moniker Mendicant Media where he develops and produces vision, feature, and documentary films. He is currently developing a film on the Soviet Gulag with Trikirion Film Collective and consults on screenplays for 10 West Studios.  In his spare time, David is working on a book on the philosophical underpinnings of art and creativity. He is also the author of the blog, The Artistic Vocation, at

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