Concern for future generations must start with the dignity of the person and fully recognize the essential right of future generations to exist and be provided with opportunities to flourish.
Entitlement reform must be the first priority and any call for budget reform that does not make this clear point is deeply flawed. Given the current levels of spending, entitlement reform is essential for completing a path to balanced budgets and economic opportunity for all.
Business and economic institutions bear the primary responsibility for creating wealth and are the usual way God has provided for us to meet our material needs. Efforts to address poverty by churches, charities, and other non-governmental organizations are also entitled to respect and celebration by society. The unique contribution of these institutions must be respected and enhanced in the budget reform process.
Because of the gravity of our spending and debt crisis, it is incumbent to ask again and again basic questions about the role of government, at federal as well as state and local levels. While no federal spending measures should be immune from cuts, our funding priorities should reflect the constitutional responsibilities and duties of the federal government.