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Born and raised in Chicago, IL, Alex Chediak earned a B.S. Degree at Alfred University in Ceramic Engineering (1996) and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Material Science & Engineering from U.C. Berkeley (2001, 2004). He worked as an engineer for IBM for three years (1996-1999).

From 2005-2007 he was an apprentice at The Bethlehem Institute (now Bethlehem College and Seminary), a masters-level theological training program overseen by Pastors John Piper and Tom Steller. During those years, Alex got his start in Christian higher education at Northwestern College. As of 2007, he’s been a professor of engineering and physics at California Baptist University in Riverside, CA.

He has enjoyed writing to young adult audiences (mid-teens through twenties) since 2005, having written many articles for Boundless (Focus on the Family) and later for Trak (God’s World News). As a professor, his mission is to help young adults develop their God-given potential. That passion gave rise to his books Beating the College Debt Trap (Zondervan, 2016), Preparing Your Teens for College (Tyndale House, 2014), and Thriving at College (Tyndale House, 2011). His latest book is Beating the College Debt Trap.

Alex has written for Fox, news/cultural analysis aggregators Townhall and StreamChristian College Guide (Christianity Today), Tabletalk (Ligonier Ministries), and Modern Reformation. He’s been featured on Christian radio programs such as Focus on the FamilyFamily Life Today, and Moody Radio’s Midday Connection (samples here). He speaks at conferences, schools, and churches about issues that impact young adults as they grow up, leave the home, and take on the mantle of adulthood.

Alex and his wife Marni have three children: Karis, Jonathan, and Abigail. In his spare time he enjoys reading, tennis, swimming, and spending time with his family.

You can learn more about him at or follow him on Twitter (@chediak).

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