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Sirico Parables book

Christophe Foltzenlogel has been a jurist at the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) since 2012. He holds a law degree "Master II" in human rights, after having written a thesis (60 pages) on the protection of maternity and family through the European Social Charter (revised). The ECLJ, the counterpart of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), is an international, NGO dedicated to the promotion and protection of human rights in Europe and worldwide. It has held  special Consultative Status before the United Nations/ECOSOC since 2007.

Recent Articles by Christophe Foltzenlogel

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    It’s always astounding to hear people who reject God, and most of His major teachings, lecture believers on the proper understanding of the Bible. We could say that French writer Falk Van
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    As a French humorist adroitly put it, "The French don’t like change; they like what’s new." President-elect Emmanuel Macron’s landslide victory in yesterday’s French presidential elections