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Wolfgang Müller is executive director of the Institute for Free Enterprise (IUF), a privately funded German free-market think tank, and general secretary of the European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE), Germany’s major environmentalist "sceptic" group.

Prior to joining the private think tanks, he worked for the classic liberal Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Germany, and abroad as project director in Southern Africa and country representative in Zimbabwe. From 1996 to 1998, he undertook an empirical study in India on the impact of deregulation on Indian SMEs. 

Wolfgang Müller studied at the University of Konstanz in Germany and graduated in 1991 with an M.A. in Business Administration/Major: International Relations (Structural Adjustment Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa). He is member of the Mont Pelerin Society, the Friedrich August von Hayek Society, and serves on the advisory board of the Freedom and Entrepreneurship Foundation in Katowice, Poland.

Recent Articles by Wolfgang Müller

  • Book review, 'Green Tyranny' by Rupert Darwall

    Green Tyranny: Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex. Rupert Darwall. Encounter Book, 2017. 334 pages. The subtitle of Rupert Darwall’s book about "the