Recent Articles by Karen Woods
Charity vs. philanthropy
Phi-lan-thro-py: goodwill toward one's fellow men esp. as expressed through active efforts to promote human welfare.
January 18, 2006 Does American charity cheat the tax man?
The generosity of Americans is a constant source of amazement.
July 13, 2005 More government control of charities looms
With rising concerns about financial abuses at charities, lawmakers are looking at significantly stepping up regulation of tax-exempt organizations, including faith-based groups.
March 9, 2005 Soup, soap, and salvation: 125 years of The Salvation Army in the U.S.
Tomorrow – March 10, 2005 – marks the 125th anniversary of the Salvation Army's foray into work in the United States.
March 2, 2005 The virtue of nonprofits
The cultural assumption of late has been that Sarbanes-Oxley was necessary and that the corporate agenda is greed and CEO indulgence.