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Christopher B. Warner is the Foundation Relations Officer at the Acton Institute. He is the author of Catholic Money: A Father Teaches His Son About Family Finances. His essays have appeared in Catholic World Report, National Catholic Register, First Things, Religion & Liberty, and other publications. Prior to Acton, he taught for fifteen years in Catholic schools and served as a Marine Corps officer in Iraq and Afghanistan (2005-2007). 

Christopher has a bachelor’s degree in theology and history from Franciscan University, a three-year graduate certificate in patristics, church history, and scripture from the Antiochian House of Studies, and a master’s degree in marriage and family studies from Holy Apostles College and Seminary. His research includes topics concerning the economic and theological foundations for family flourishing, contemporary applications of the patristic letters, and ecumenical dialogue between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches.

Christopher lives with his wife and son on a small farm in West Michigan.