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    On Wednesday, October 18, 2017, Acton hosted its 27th Annual Dinner at the DeVos Place in Grand Rapids, Michigan. With over 1,000 tickets purchased and more than 50 sponsors, this was the largest annual dinner to date.

    Acton’s annual dinner is the largest single-day gathering the institute hosts. Every year, Acton staff and volunteers look forward to this fellowship with Acton supporters from all over the world and the opportunity to hear from many of our intellectual heroes.

    The evening, celebrating Acton’s 27 years of promoting a free and virtuous society, began with a rendition of “O Sing Joyfully” performed by Sacred Heart Academy’s high school choir.

    Despite her busy schedule in Washington, Betsy DeVos, United States secretary of education, returned to her hometown to give a special guest address. During her 20-minute speech, she was warmly received and given several standing ovations. She addressed education in the United States and outlined her plan to encourage innovation and parental choice in America’s schools.

    After DeVos concluded her special address, A. J. Sherrill, lead pastor at Mars Hill Bible Church, gave the invocation and offered an alumnus reflection.

    Executive Director Kris Mauren served as master of ceremonies and President Rev. Robert Sirico offered remarks to conclude the evening.

    An afterglow was held following the dinner, giving attendees a chance to continue discussing the themes of the evening and enjoy an arrangement of desserts.

    Past annual dinner speakers include Rev. Paul Scalia, son of the late Justice Antonin Scalia, who also spoke at an annual dinner; Daniel Hannan; P.J. O’Rourke; Nicole Boon; John Sullivan; and many more.

    All speeches from the dinner will be available online at the Acton PowerBlog and on Acton’s YouTube channel.