In this episode, Dan Hugger speaks with Kevin Vallier, professor of philosophy at the Institute of American Constitutional Thought and Leadership, about his book-in-progress on American fusionism. How exactly do religion and liberty go together? What can theologians and social scientists learn from each other? Why is fusionism still the only intellectually serious option on offer for American conservatives, and how can it be developed futher?
On today’s episode, Acton librarian Dan Hugger sits down Kris Mauren, co-founder and president of the Acton Institute. They discuss why the Acton Institute was founded, what it’s done, and where it’s hoping to go in the new year.
On today’s episode, we’re bringing you a rebroadcast from December 1, 2021.
Eric Kohn, Acton’s former director of marketing and communications, sits down with Dallas Jenkins, director of “The Chosen,” an online multi-season TV series depicting the life of Jesus. Later in the episode Kohn interviews Jonathan Roumie, the actor who portrays Jesus.