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    Just as Acton’s website was redone in the beginning of 2017, it’s time to give a fresh coat of paint to Religion & Liberty. The spring issue of Acton’s quarterly magazine will be updated and redesigned.

    The scope of the magazine will change. For the past several years, Religion & Liberty has focused on an American audience. The new tagline of the magazine will read: “Acton Institute’s International Journal of Religion, Economics and Culture.” The theme will continue to be the intersection of faith and economics, but now with an added transatlantic focus. Connecting good intentions with sound economics goes beyond our national borders.

    The format will be different. With a larger audience comes a need for more space and more content. The current magazine runs with 16 pages, but the new design will include a total of 24 pages.

    The look will be different. If you’ve visited recently, you’ll notice our website features more imagery and brighter colors. The new Religion & Liberty will mirror that, with a bolder shade of red and a full-color interior. You can expect stunning visuals to accompany new essays and articles.

    Much will stay the same, however. Acton’s commitment to quality, well-researched pieces will remain. Our commitment to reaching a broad interfaith audience will remain the same. Many of the essays, reviews and articles will be consistent with content found in Religion & Liberty archives.

    The new product will also reflect our commitment to good stewardship with sustainable packaging and paper. The editorial team will look into options that are not only a good use of the money so generously given to the Institute but also ecologically- friendly.

    Ultimately, the goal of the redesign is to reflect the quality of the writing and content in an updated, bolder design. The hope is that this new look improves the readability of the publication and that all readers will enjoy the change.