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Sirico Parables book

    We will celebrate Acton’s 27th anniversary on October 18, 2017. This event will take place at the DeVos Place in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan.

    Acton’s Annual Dinner is the largest single-day gathering the Institute hosts, drawing over 1,000 attendees. Every year, Acton staff and volunteers look forward to this fellowship with Acton supporters from all over the world and the opportunity to hear from many of our intellectual heroes.

    There are several sponsorship opportunities for this event: Liberty Circle and Lord Acton Circle. A Liberty Circle sponsorship costs $3,500 and includes premier seating for a table of 10 and recognition for the contribution in our program, Acton’s website and marketing. A Lord Acton Circle sponsorship costs $7,500 and includes VIP seating for 10, recognition for the contribution, and invitations to a private cocktail reception with Rev. Sirico and the guest speaker. Due to limited seating, it’s advised to reserve a sponsorship. Single-seat tickets for this dinner are $175 each and include invitations to receptions before and after the dinner.

    Keep an eye on Acton Institute communications for the announcement of the special guest speaker.

    Previous Annual Dinner speakers include Rev. Paul Scalia, Daniel Hannan, P.J. O’Rourke, Nicole Boon, John O’Sullivan and Eric Metaxas.

    For more information and to save your seat or table at the 27th Annual Dinner, please visit us online at, send an email to nporter@ or call the office at 616.454.3080. The anniversary event is black tie preferred.