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Sirico Parables book


    In recent years, a rift has opened within American conservatism, a series of divisions animated in part by the 2016 presidential election and also by a right concern with an increasingly progressive culture. Among these divisions is a growing split between self-professing liberal and illiberal conservatives as some on the right scramble to give explanation for a culture which has become hostile to civil society and traditional institutions, most notably the family. One movement which has grown out of this divide is national conservatism, embodied by the launch of the first National Conservatism Conference last year and in the words of its proponents including Patrick Deneen, Yoram Hazony and Michael Anton. What defines national conservatism and what, ultimately, do national conservatives want? Stephanie Slade, managing editor at Reason magazine, breaks it down.

    Read "Against the New Nationalism," by Stephanie Slade

    Read "The Post-Liberal Right: The Good, the Bad, and the Perplexing," by Samuel Gregg 

    Read "Patrick Deneen and the Problem with Liberalism," by Samuel Gregg

    Featured image credit: louise wateridge/ Editorial use only.