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Our world is a world of ever evolving technology. Every positive advancement in digital technology inevitably comes with an encroachment on privacy whether it be in business, health, families, or freedom. From rampant cancel culture and propaganda on social networks to data collection and surveillance, social manipulation has become the new digital contagion—influencing our behavior and threatening our security. Protection from the omnipresence of digital tech can come in many mediums whether it be political and economic reforms, challenges in the judicial system, or decentralizing the power of the state and large corporations. How much technology is too much? How can innovations in digital technology be used to serve the masses instead of manipulating them?

In this episode, we’re bringing you a presentation that was delivered as part of the 2021 Acton Lecture series featuring Michael Matheson Miller speaking on his new book, Digital Contagion: 10 Steps to Protect your Family & Business from Intrusion, Cancel Culture, and Surveillance Capitalism.

Digital Contagion: 10 Steps to Protect your Family & Business from Intrusion, Cancel Culture, and Surveillance Capitalism 

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