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Sirico Parables book


    On this episode of Radio Free Acton, we revisit a previous RFA interview with David LaRocca: a philosopher, author, and filmmaker who has released a documentary on Italian fashion designer and entrepreneur Brunello Cuccinelli. Cucinelli has built a successful company by creating high-quality apparel, but more interesting than that is the philosophy that undergirds his business and all of his life.

    Check out these additional resources on this week’s podcast topics: 

    Learn more about Brunello Cucinelli

    Learn more about David LaRocca 

    Watch the trailer for “Brunello Cucinelli: A New Philosophy of Clothes” 

    Do you have questions for the Radio Free Acton team that you would like answered in future podcast segments? We want to hear from you! Leave a message at 888-705-4180 or email [email protected]. Lastly, if you like what you heard on today’s episode, don’t forget to give us a rating on iTunes.