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Today on Acton Unwind, Stephen Barrows, Dan Hugger, and Dylan Pahman join Michael Matheson Miller—guest editor of the new double issue of Religion & Liberty, Acton’s quarterly journal of religion, economics, and culture—to discuss the issue’s theme: the challenges of thinking clearly in an age dominated by ideology. How can we function in a time when the pursuit of truth, and even the meaning of “truth” itself, is subservient to a suffocating ideology that makes real dialogue between opposing viewpoints difficult if not impossible? What are the risks that come with the adoption of a rigid ideology? What is the difference between ideology and worldview? And how do we resist the temptation of adopting ideological thinking ourselves?

Religion & liberty Summer/Fall 2021

Carter Snead at the Acton Lecture Series: What it means to be human

The History of Freedom in Antiquity 

Bastiat’s Theory of Class: The Plunderers vs. the Plundered 

Biblical Worldview Crucial for the New Millennium 

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