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The Calihan Academic Grants provide financial assistance to scholars and graduate students whose academic work shows outstanding potential to advance understanding in the relationship between theology and the principles of the free and virtuous society. Such principles include recognition of human dignity, the importance of the rule of law, limited government, religious liberty, freedom in economic life, as well as the importance of the humanities and culture. Scholars currently studying theology, philosophy, history, law, politics, economics, or related fields whose work demonstrates this potential are eligible to apply.

Grants can be utilized to facilitate research or for travel to present papers at academic conferences.


Grant applications will be reviewed and awarded, funding permitting, on a quarterly basis. The current application period (Quarter 1) is open. Apply now


  • Grants are open to scholars and students in theology, philosophy, religion, history, law, politics, economics, or related fields.
  • Strong academic performance is essential.
  • Candidates must have a demonstrated interest in the themes of the Acton Institute.
  • Candidates must display the potential to advance the themes of the Acton Institute.
  • Grants are open to all qualified persons irrespective of race, sex, national or ethnic origin, age, citizenship, religious affiliation, or disability.


Selection Process
Each quarter, applications are reviewed and recipients selected by the research staff of the Acton Institute. Award decisions by the Acton Institute are final and not subject to appeal.

Recipients must respond to an award notification within two weeks and adhere to the grant conditions listed below.

Grant Amounts
Calihan Academic Grants are typically USD $500.

Academic Grants are not renewable but all applicants are eligible to re-apply provided their reapplication occurs no earlier than one calendar year from their prior application.


Completed application and following documentation:

•    1-page proposal that outlines what you intend to accomplish with this grant. Upload in application form.

•    2-page essay that describes your intellectual development, future plans, and career goals. This statement should elaborate on the source and development of your interest in the ideas listed above, including how you expect to contribute to a better understanding and application of these ideas. Upload in application form.

•    A recent academic paper you have already written relevant to the themes promoted by the Acton Institute. If it is not in English, please provide an English abstract or summary. Upload in application form.

•    Official or unofficial transcripts from your most recent university. Notarized copies are also acceptable. Upload in application form or email to [email protected].

Apply Now

Applications for Quarter 1 are currently open. Apply now