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Speakers by Conference

Solidarity And Entrepreneurship

The Moral And Economic Foundations Of The Free Society

October 1, 2005

On October 1, 2005 in Rome the Acton Institute launched the first of a series of eight international conferences dedicated to Pope John Paul II's landmark social encylical Centesimus Annus. This initial conference was entitled "Solidarity And Entrepreneurship: The Moral and Economic Foundations Of The Free Society" and attended by professors and students from Rome's pontifical universities, Vatican officials, journalists and business leaders. The event's distinguished panel of speakers focused on the political, economic, moral-theological frameworks which sustain free and virtuous enterprise. During the roundtable session, debate focused on the moral inspiration for entrepreneurship and international management in a globalized economy. 



The Family and the New Economy

Insights from Centesimus Annus

January 21, 2006

On January 21, 2006 Istituto Acton convened the second of an eight-part series dedicated to the papal social encyclical Centesimus Annus at the American seminary in Rome. Before an audience of seminarians, academics and journalists, the expert panel focused their discussion on the institution of the Christian family and its vital importance in the stable economic foundations of society. Discussion centered upon the impact on single parenting, welfare programs in the United Stats and Europe, and how the economy is affected by birthrates falling below replacement level.



In the Press

Centesimus Annus and the Future of Europe

May 4, 2006


In the Press

Conference Audio:

Man's Principle Resource is Man Himself

The Person at the Center of the Free Economy

May 18, 2006


Centesimus Annus, Globalization, and World Poverty

October 19, 2006

On October 19, 2006 the Acton Institute held the fifth of its conference series dedicated to Centessimus Annus at the Pontifical Urban University, entitled Centesimus Annus, Globalization and World Poverty. University professors, business persons, economists, missionaries, seminarians and journalists gathered and discussed the pillars of long-term economic development. Debate centered on why most international aid programs have failed and pointing out obstacles preventing developing countries from leveraging global commercial markets.



In the Press

Centesimus Annus and Deus Caritas Est

December 12, 2006

On December 12, 2006 Istituto Acton organized the sixth conference of the eight-part series dedicated to the papal social encyclical, Centesimus Annus. The international conference, held at the Pontifical Gregorian University, focused on the human, economic and moral-theological conditions for creating a more charitable society. The panel experts provided ample reflection on the teachings and witness of the Catholic Church in this realm, with a particular reflection on Benedict’s first encyclical, Deus Caritas Est, and increased dependence on government-provided welfare programs in America and Europe. The audience of academic professors, seminarians, journalists and business persons asked challenging questions about how to implement and advocate the Church’s teachings in their own cultures and societies.



In the Press

The Religious Dimension of Human Freedom

March 14, 2007

On March 14, 2007 Istituto Acton organized its seventh Centesimus Annus conference in Rome, “The Religious Dimension of Human Freedom” with lectures focusing on the vital role religion plays in the human struggle to live freely. Before an audience of academics, journalists, students, and heads of various religious congregations, an expert panel of speakers offered reflections on modern society, developing countries and emerging markets –with some particular attention to current challenges and restrictive practices in mainland China.



In the Press

The Foundations of the Free Society

May 2, 2007

On May 2, 2007 Istituto Acton sponsored an all-day conference for the last of it eight-part series dedicated to the social encyclical Centesimus Annus at the Pontifical Lateran University. Before an audience of seminarians, doctoral students, professors, journalists and diplomats, a panel of speakers with expertise in theology, philosophy, politics and entrepreneurship addressed the fundamental pillars of a free society. Various themes were discussed such as upholding the rule of law to protect freedoms and natural rights, political stability and develop a culture which strives to toward the common good of man and based on principle of subsidiarity.  During the conference, Dr. Andrea Schneider, advisor to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, was awarded Acton’s highest academic prize, the Novak Award, and delivered the Calihan Lecture entitled “Centesimus Annus: Law, Human Rights, and the Free Society”.

