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Sirico Parables book

    Therefore, He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them.

    The entire life, death, and resurrection of Christ was an intercessory act for humanity. It continues to this day, where Christ sits at the right hand of the Father interceding for us. All of eternity is encompassed by the priestly act of His intercession. "The expression 'at the right hand' must therefore be understood in this sense: to exist in a state of perfect blessedness, where there is justice, peace and joy," said Augustine. The great joy is that his intercessory work is an effectual and permanent work in saving us because Christ is the once and final sacrifice. The Lord in the 110th Psalm promised us a priest forever. He is not a priest with imperfections nor does his priestly office ever end. He always has the will and ear of the Father.

    It is reassuring that Christ joined our flesh to be our advocate. That same flesh, our big brother, reigns at the highest, most exalted point in the heavens. He is not just a mere observer of our trials and failings but he bore that all up in Himself because of Holy Divine Love. He intercedes for us because he is "touched with the feelings of our infirmities." (Hebrews 4:15)

    The entire character and ministry of Christ is interceding for us on our behalf. It is a blessed assurance during our trials, sin, and shame. From all of eternity he saw the wickedness of humanity but His love triumphed over all evil.

    How would we then feel if our salvation depended on us? What If we had to toil hour by hour to make ourselves right and acceptable before our Father? It is much more reassuring to leave the work to Christ and put our trust in Him. The good news is that our salvation does not depend on our work and our holiness but His work and His holiness.

    Simply put, His deepest desire is to advocate for us. Hanging on the cross with torn and broken flesh, suffering immensely, still he advocated for those who sent our Savior there and persecuted Him. He advocated and remembered the dying thief who hung beside Him. (Luke 23:34)

    Our world today is plagued with fear, loneliness, and despair. Economic times are discouraging to say the least. Our national leaders have failed us. Often the people closest to us fail us. However, when we look up to the King of Kings, we can always see the true covenant of love, devotion, and intercession.