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This conference has been filled and the application is closed.

Co-sponsored by Liberty Fund, Inc., this program is an intellectually demanding and stimulating weekend colloquium that explores the foundations of liberty in a series of graduate-level, text-based, guided Socratic discussions. 

This colloquium on Religion, Liberty, and American Culture explores the place of religion and religious belief in the history of America and considers its significance for liberty, American politics, culture, and the economy. The readings will proceed chronologically from the pre-Founding period to the early twenty-first century. The colloquium will look at how religion has shaped a changing American culture and, vice-versa, how aspects of the American experiment have affected the character and influence of religious belief in America. It will involve asking questions such as: What was the nature of religious freedom at America’s conception? How did it influence other aspects of American thinking? How did such ideas change over time? What is the significance of religion for America’s political and economic development?

  • This colloquium will consist of 6 guided Socratic discussion sessions.
  • The discussion sessions are text-based and so selected participants are required to prepare appropriately and participate fully in all sessions.
  • Readings will be provided to all accepted participants.
  • This colloquium is for Acton alumni who are currently enrolled in or have recently completed graduate level work.

Application Information

  • Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until the colloquium has been filled.
  • These programs tend to fill quickly, especially as space is limited to 15 attendees.
  • Waiting lists are not maintained for these colloquia. When the program has been filled, the application will be closed.

Event Details

Start Date

End Date


61 E 7th St
Holland, MI 49423
United States

Length of Event

Full details will be provided to accepted participants.

This conference is filled and the application has been closed. Applications will open soon for future colloquia.

Accepted participants will receive a conference package that includes single-occupancy lodging, meals, and limited travel assistance. There are no fees to attend; participants must apply to attend.

Download Sample Schedule or Frequently Asked Questions.

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