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College is about the big questions. No question is bigger than “what is our salvation for?” For students who want to tie their studies (in any major) to the big picture of life, Oikonomia scholarships provide the opportunity to explore how God’s purposes are woven into family, work, art, charity, education, government, recreation, and all of creation.



Applications Closed 

Scholarship Amounts

First Place: $10,000

Second Place: $5,000

Third Place: $2,500


  • Applicants must be incoming or presently enrolled undergraduate students who have not yet attained a four-year undergraduate diploma.
  • Applicants must certify active involvement in a church or campus ministry.

Application Submission

Applications must be submitted electronically to [email protected]

Application Tips

  • The application video does not need to be professional quality. Quality will not provide an advantage because this is not a film production competition.
  • Creativity is welcomed, but we are most interested in honest, reflective video submissions that demonstrate a genuine understanding of our Christian obligation to serve others through all aspects of our life and work, and the application of that idea to you and your circumstances.

Other Considerations

  • All complete applications submitted by the deadline will be reviewed by the Acton Institute. Acton’s decision is final, and no applicant will receive any feedback on content, style, etc. The only communication to applicants will be confirmation of the receipt of their application, and an email informing the applicant of their acceptance or denial for the scholarship.
  • Payment of scholarship funds will be made by check made payable to the applicant and the applicant’s college or university jointly.
  • Funds may be used for tuition, fees, books, and other educational supplies, or living expenses.
  • By submitting the application, you agree that the application and all its components become the property of the Acton Institute and may be used or reproduced at the discretion of the Institute for promotion, marketing, or any other purpose.

Scholarship Questions

Additional questions may be sent to [email protected]