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    Aix-en-Provence, France — French theologian Dr. Arnaud Pellissier Tanon was awarded the Acton Institute's first Annual Novak Award yesterday in a ceremony in Aix-en-Provence, France. The Novak Award is named in honor of Acton Institute Advisory Board member Michael Novak and carries with it a $10,000 prize acknowledging outstanding new research into the interrelation of religion and economic liberty.

    The Novak Award is made possible by the generosity of Joseph L. Calihan and family in appreciation and admiration for Michael Novak's scholarly contributions in the areas of economics and theology. This year's Novak Award winner, Dr. Arnaud Pellissier Tanon, has extensively studied the relationship between economics, religion, and liberty. A graduate of Faculte’ Libre d’Economie et de Droit, Dr. Pellissier Tanon also earned an MBA from the Panthe’on-Sorbonne and a master’s degree in theoretical and quantitative economics from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. Dr. Pellissier Tanon received his doctorate at the Panthe’on-Sorbonne University and is currently working an independent scholar and lecturer in the areas of ethics and management.

    Dr. Pellissier Tanon's essay, "The Labor Theory of Value and Social Justice: Social Catholic Criticisms of Bastiat’s Doctrine," exhibits his commitment to sound scholarship, as well as his devotion to the advancement and preservation of human liberty.

    About the Acton Institute

    The Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, ecumenical think tank located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Founded in 1990, the Institute works internationally to “promote a free and virtuous society characterized by individual liberty and sustained by religious principles.” For more information, visit

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