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In order to discuss and promote enterprise solutions to poverty among present and future Catholic leaders in the developing world and transitioning economies, the Acton Institute is holding a seven-part international conference series – Poverty, Entrepreneurship, and Integral Development.

Addressing the persistence of poverty has always been a perennial concern of the Catholic Church. In his recent social encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, Benedict XVI called for more efforts to address the scandal of poverty in developing countries. However, many Christians throughout the world are confused by the various proposed plans and are unsure of the most effective approach to poverty reduction.

Bringing attention to the value of free enterprise and market-orientated economies – rooted in a proper understanding of the person and a vision of integral human development– in reducing material poverty, this work forms part of Acton’s international outreach to Catholic leadership throughout the world.


The Acton Institute previously offered Juan de Mariana Scholarships to Catholic priests, religious, and laity from countries with developing or transitioning economies to attend Acton University.

Named after the sixteenth century Spanish theologian, Juan de Mariana (1536-1624), these scholarships included a student fellowship and a need-based travel scholarship.

Acton University is a unique, four-day exploration of the intellectual foundations of a free and virtuous society. Guided by a distinguished international faculty, Acton University is an opportunity to examine the free and virtuous society through a demanding academic program that integrates rigorous philosophy, Christian theology and sound economics.

The eligibility requirements for those who have been awarded a Juan de Mariana Scholarship are:

  1. be a practicing Catholic.
  2. a citizen of a country with an economy deemed by the Acton Institute to be developing or transitioning.
  3. attend or commit to attending one of the seven conferences sponsored by the Acton Institute as part of its Poverty, Entrepreneurship, and Integral Development program.