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Sirico Parables book

The West today is in a state of crisis. Facing immense domestic economic and political problems, North America, Europe, and other Western nations are also struggling to address existential threats from without. But above all, the West appears to be suffering from a crisis of self-belief: one which touches centrally upon its attachment to the tradition of ordered liberty in politics, freedom in the economy, strong civil societies, and, perhaps above all, the unique synthesis of faith and reason that is at the root of Western civilization.

To explore these questions concerning the Western tradition of human liberty and responsibility and its Judeo-Christian culture, Acton Institute will host a day-long conference on Thursday, December 1 2016 in London – The Crisis of Liberty in the West – bringing together leading thinkers from around the world.

Among other topics, they will discuss the origin and character of the West’s many problems, consider how these matters might be addressed in ways that draw upon the West’s unique heritage, and examine how Europe and North America can contribute to each other's revival.

This conference is the first in the series Reclaiming the West: Freedom & Responsibility.

We thank the co-sponsors of this conference

Benedict XVI Centre for Religion and Society Institute of Economic Affairs

Event Details

Start Date

End Date


The Bloomsbury Hotel
16-22 Great Russell Street
United Kingdom

Length of Event
1 day

9:00 - Registration

10:00-17:30 - Conference (includes lunch)

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No Fee, Pre-Registration Required for Lunch. No general financial aid available for this free event.

Language: English

Online Broadcast: This conference was broadcast live in English. Watch the video online.

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