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City of Grand Rapids drops property tax dispute against Acton

A two-year dispute between the Acton Institute and the City of Grand Rapids regarding the nonprofit’s exempt status under state property tax law is over, with Acton emerging the victor.

In 2014, the City rejected Acton’s request for a tax exemption on its building, parking areas and personal property at 98 E. Fulton. Acton purchased the property in 2012 and spent much of the next year renovating it. An appeal before the City’s 2014 Board of Review was denied, leading Acton to bring its case before the Michigan Tax Tribunal in Lansing. On March 8, Presiding Judge Preeti P. Gadola granted a consent judgment between Acton and the City, bringing two years of litigation to a close.

Since filing its appeal in 2014, Acton has paid more than $200,000 in property taxes, which the City must now refund, with interest. Acton will be exempted from these taxes going forward.

Particularly disappointing were briefs submitted by the City during this process that made factually inaccurate assertions and used incendiary, highly politicized language more suitable to a partisan political blog than a court of law.

In one court document, the City of Grand Rapids called Acton a “politically driven think tank that publishes right-wing libertarian, philosophical, and political propaganda tempered with extreme rightwing viewpoints.” The city’s willingness to attack a faith-based charitable and educational institution openly on the basis of alleged “right-wing” viewpoints was both surprising and alarming.

In its own filings with the Tax Tribunal, Acton remained civil in tone and stuck to the case law and emphasized Acton’s faith-based charitable and educational mission and activities.

Perhaps the most disturbing misrepresentation made by Grand Rapids in its court filings was that Acton was “ironically and hypocritically … anticharity.” In fact, Acton has always been a strong advocate of private charity.

Acton is pleased with the outcome and happy to move on, focusing on our research and education.

From Our Conference Participants

I know how valuable and precious freedom is for all human beings regardless of any culture, nation, color and religion. [Acton University] has intensified my belief and learning. It has opened new avenues for me to evangelize the gospel of the Lord in a new and fresh way.

—Patrick S


I have been to many conferences but never one so full of interesting participants with such diverse insights to contribute. It was a stimulating conference to say the least, and I am grateful for all your efforts to make it happen!

—Greg R

Tucson, Arizona

26th Annual Dinner to honor Antonin Scalia and feature Rev. Paul Scalia as keynote speaker

To celebrate and reflect on another year of promoting a free and virtuous society, the Acton Institute will hold its 26th Annual Dinner on October 27 at the JW Marriott in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan. The soiree will have a black tie preferred dress code.

Every year this event brings together Acton staff, supporters and lovers of freedom and virtue from all over the world to enjoy an evening together, discussing the important themes of the day and focusing on the mission of the institute. Last year’s dinner reflected on the first years of the Institute in honor of its silver anniversary, with more than 800 attendees. It was the largest single day event ever held by the Institute.

The evening plenary address will be given by Rev. Paul Scalia. Scalia is the son of the late Justice Antonin Scalia. He studied theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University and the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, both in Rome. Since his ordination in 1996, he has served as parochial vicar at Saint Bernadette, Saint Patrick and Saint Rita parishes near D.C. He served as pastor of Saint John the Beloved until 2012, when he was appointed the Bishop’s Delegate for Clergy. Fr. Scalia will be following in his father’s footsteps, as late Supreme Court Justice gave the Annual Dinner address almost two decades ago at Acton’s Annual Dinner in 1997.

Also during the evening, Justice Antonin Scalia will be posthumously awarded Acton’s Faith and Freedom Award. This award recognizes an individual who exemplifies commitment to faith and freedom through outstanding leadership. During his time on the U.S. Supreme Court, Scalia was known for his quick wit and steadfast devotion to freedom for Americans. He held to the judicial philosophy of originalism, a doctrine that does not accept the Constitution as a “living document” but, rather, subscribes that any interpretation must adhere to the original intent of the founders. Scalia had no interest in judicial activism, believing that any major change should be done by the people’s representatives in the legislature.

A devoted family man, Scalia and his wife, Maureen, had nine children and more than thirty grandchildren. The couple took pride in raising their children traditionally and devoutly Catholic, similarly to Scalia’s own upbringing. This faith kept the family close. With Scalia often busy with work, their most precious bonding time together as a family occurred weekly during mass at St. Matthew’s Cathedral. Antonin Scalia died suddenly of natural causes on February 13, 2016.

This will be the tenth Faith and Freedom Award given by the Institute. Diet Eman was presented with the Faith and Freedom Award at the 25th Annual Dinner. Other past winners include Lady Margaret Thatcher, Richard M. DeVos Sr., William F. Buckley Jr., Mart Laar, Charles W. Colson, Rocco Buttiglione, Cardinal Nguyen Van Thuan and John M. Templeton. To learn more about these individuals, visit

There are many opportunities to sponsor this event. For more information and to save your seat or reserve an entire table at the 26th Annual Dinner, please visit us online at, email or call the office at 616.454.3080.

Acton Experts given national, international attention

Part of the mission of the Acton Institute is to educate business and political leaders about the importance that faith plays in economics. Already this year, Acton has been given excellent platforms to discuss current events in light of this.

Acton analysts and experts have been making waves in local, national and even international media. In April, Rev. Robert Sirico was called as a witness to give testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works discussing climate change and Laudato si’. The lively exchange between Rev. Sirico and Senator Barbara Boxer of California drew a lot of attention as they both passionately defended their thoughts on the controversial encyclical. A video containing the “highlights” of the hearing is available on Acton’s PowerBlog.

The last event in the “One and Indivisible” conference series was held in Rome at the end of April. This series looked at the relationship between religious and economic freedom, and the final event was titled, “Freedom with justice: Rerum Novarum and the new things of our time.” It marked the 125th anniversary of Pope Leo XIII’s encyclical denouncing socialism and defending private property. Several journalists attended the event in Rome and covered it in publications, including Institut Coppet’s online blog, The European Conservative and Zenit.

Acton’s director of research, Samuel Gregg, has been called upon by several publications to address the 2016 presidential election. He has analyzed the candidates as well as the overall themes that have emerged during the race. He’s written for the Detroit News, Crisis Magazine, Public Discourse, Catholic World Report and more.

The property tax dispute with the City of Grand Rapids discussed previously in this issue of Acton Notes also inspired several editorials and reports in local and state press, including the Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids Business Journal, the Detroit News and more.

Roundups or summaries of these articles, commentaries and interviews are available on Acton’s PowerBlog at

Acton in the News

“It bodes ill for both the republic and civil society that any government feels itself entitled to attack a taxpayer for its perceived beliefs. And, that the answer to budget shortfalls is always more taxation— never less spending. This as government power at all levels grows unchecked.”

—Excerpted from Rev. Sirico’s article in The Detroit News

Acton Institute

Title: City on hook for $205K in tax decision

Publication: Grand Rapids Business Journal

Date: 3.21.16

Rev. Robert Sirico

Title: When politicians want your money

Publication: The Detroit News

Date: 3.22.16

Todd Huizinga

Title: Future of the European Union

Program: Capitol Hill Hearings—C-SPAN

Airdate: 4.11.16