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Sirico Parables book

1834   Acton born in Naples
1837   Death of his father, Sir Richard Acton
1840   Mother remarries Lord Leveson Gower, later second Earl Granville
1843-48   Acton boarded at Oscott under Wiseman
1850   To Munich studying under Ignaz von Dollinger
1853   Journey to USA
1857   To Rome with Dollinger
1858-62   Part-owner and contributor to liberal Catholic Rambler
1859-65   MP for Carlow
1862   “Nationality” and “The Protestant Theory of Persecution”
1864   Pius IX's Quanta Cura and Syllabus of Errors
1864-68   Acton's extensive archival researches
1865   Acton marries Countess Marie von Arco-Valley
1865   Manning appointed Archbishop of Westminster
1865-66   MP for Bridgnorth (GH, 93)
1869   “The Massacre of St. Bartholomew”
1869   Created Baron Acton by Gladstone
1869-70   The Vatican Council
1874-75   Gladstone publishes three anti-Vatican articles
1874   Acton responds in four letters to The Times
1875   Acton fears excommunication. Is spared
1876   Gladstone launches crusade against Bulgarian atrocities
1877   “Freedom in Antiquity” and “Freedom in Christianity”
1879-80   Gladstone's Midlothian campaign
1880-85   Advisor to Gladstone's second ministry and advocate of Irish home rule
1889   Review of James Bryce's American Commonwealth
1892-95   Lord in Waiting to Queen Victoria
1895   Appointed Regius Professor of Modern History at Cambridge. Delivers lectures on modern history and the French Revolution. Editor of Cambridge Modern History
1902   Death at Tegernsee
1904   Acton-Mary Gladstone correspondence published
1906   Cardinal Gasquet edits Acton-Simpson correspondence
1931   Herbert Butterfield's Whig Interpretation of History
1952   Gertrude Himmelfarb's Lord Acton. First full biography

Source: Hugh, Tulloch, Acton (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1988),ix.