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Social Issues

We are born social creatures and our relationship to our Creator is the primary social bond.

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    An American flag waving in front of the Capitol building dome

    Politics and Government

    Our elected leaders rule by consent of the people. We are citizens, not subjects.

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    Reporters setting up cameras for a press event

    Current Events

    Read about timely and relevant happenings.

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    The Louvre museum glass pyramid


    Get cultural commentary and the latest insights on the creative artists shaping popular culture.

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    Painting depicting the signing of the US constitution


    We are everywhere reminded that liberty is the “delicate fruit of a mature civilization,” as Lord Acton wrote. Thus we find that freedom, responsibility, and even manners, seem to wax and wane together. The Founders, schooled in ancient and modern history, intended to keep the state in its proper sphere, to prevent it from invading domains suited to the church, family, and individual.

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    The US Capitol building at dusk


    Businesses that seek favors from government corrupt the market economy and disadvantage small and entrepreneurial businesses.

    More about Cronyism

    Jimmy Lai

    More about Jimmy Lai