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Professor Giuseppe Franco delivered the 2019 Calihan Lecture and received the 2019 Novak award at the Ministry Center at the University of San Diego in San Diego California on October 9, 2019.

The Novak Award is made possible by the generosity of Joseph L. Calihan and family and is named in honor of the distinguished American theologian and social philosopher Michael Novak.

The Novak Award rewards new outstanding research by scholars early in their academic careers who demonstrate outstanding intellectual merit in advancing the understanding of theology’s connection to hu- man dignity, the importance of limited government, religious liberty, and economic freedom. Recipients of the Novak Award make a formal presentation on such questions at an annual public forum known as the Calihan Lecture.

The Novak Award forms part of a range of academic grants and awards available from the Acton Institute that support those engaged in serious reflection and research on the relationship between theology, the free market, limited government and the rule of law. Details of these academic grants may be found at