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Sirico Parables book

    One of the best ways to reach people of faith is in their places of worship and church communities. Church and lay leaders of many different Christian traditions are often looking for quality and affordable curriculum materials that can equip their own members to act and think biblically about important social issues such as care of creation, poverty relief, financial stewardship, and giving.

    Acton’s purpose in developing the Effective Stewardship Curriculum and NIV Stewardship Bible was to take the best of our ideas, as expressed in the work of our scholars and staff members, and to offer them to a broad audience. With a DVD and companion study guide, Acton can multiply its reach and influence tremendously.

    What’s more, many church leaders and educational materials propose teachings and policy solutions that are at odds with the “free and virtuous society.“ With the recent rise of the religious left, the Acton Institute is offering an Effective Stewardship Curriculum that faithfully engages Scripture and the value of religious liberty. The biblical teaching on stewardship brings together a number of threads in Scripture that call us to give a more holistic and mainstream approach, which allows us to play a dynamic role in the transformation of individuals and the culture.

    Acton has also crafted a partnership with Zondervan, the leading evangelical Christian publishing house, for distribution of the Effective Stewardship DVD and study guide beginning in 2009. The partnership will dramatically expand the availability of the Acton Effective Stewardship Curriculum into mass market retail channels.

    The curriculum will also be made available with the Stewardship Study Bible, to be published by Zondervan in September 2009. Dave Ramsey, the financial adviser and nationally syndicated radio host, has endorsed the Stewardship Bible and will promote it on his show. Ramsey’s radio show is ranked in the top five of talk radio, with four million listeners each week. Ramsey’s endorsement says, “Too many Christians hold their Bible in one hand and their checkbook in the other, never bringing the two together. What a tragedy! The NIV Stewardship Study Bible bridges that gap and shows you how to apply God’s Word to your whole life—money and all!“

    With partners like Zondervan and Dave Ramsey, the Effective Stewardship Curriculum is a critical outreach in building a network of even greater influence and credibility, especially in the evangelical Protestant community. With all of the great ideas, talent, and resources at the Acton Institute, it is essential to broaden our influence while staying faithful to our mission of a free and virtuous society.

    Kris Mauren is co-founder and president of Acton Institute, an international educational and public policy organization based in Grand Rapids, Michigan with international affiliates in Rome, Italy and Buenos Aires, Argentina.  The Institute publishes scholarship and film and organizes educational seminars around the world for current and future religious leaders across denominations promoting an understanding of the ethical dimensions of the free market economy.  The Institute also works with business leaders, helping them to embrace their work as a worthy calling and to