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Julia Kenney is Conference Coordinator at the Acton Institute where she manages the logistics, planning, and execution of Acton’s high-level educational conferences which engage an international audience of entrepreneurs, business professionals, scholars, policy makers, religious leaders, non-profit professionals, and students. Julia is passionate about equipping people and communities with the knowledge and tools for success and flourishing. She is thrilled to do so by advancing the mission and work of the Acton Institute. 

Julia is a graduate of Saint Mary’s College (Notre Dame, IN) where she earned her Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in finance. She began her career in New York City where she served as the Director of North America for World Youth Alliance, an NGO to the United Nations whose mission is to promote the dignity of the human person. In her role as the Director, Julia initiated and developed collaborations throughout Canada and the United States to implement educational programming with other NGOs, non-profits, and educational institutes. She represented WYA by speaking internationally in Asia and regularly throughout North America. 

Following her time at World Youth Alliance, she served as the Director of Operations for Reproductive Health Medicine & Gynecology (Atlanta, GA), a specialized medical practice delivering holistic women’s healthcare solutions to women across the country. Alongside the Medical Director, Julia co-managed a growing medical team, designed effective workflow strategies, optimized the use of telehealth, and developed a scalable practice model that would enable more women to receive the highest level of medical care and health education available. 

Julia enjoys spending time with family and friends, competing in athletics, coaching track and cross country, hiking, rock climbing, and traveling. She is a member of the Leonine Forum Fellowship (New York, NY) and served on the founding leadership to the Atlanta Chapter of Young Catholic Professionals (Atlanta, GA).