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    On this episode of Radio Free Acton, Caroline Roberts speaks with Stephen Nichols, the president of Reformation Bible College, about the life and work of Francis Schaeffer, 20th century protestant evangelist. After that, host Bruce Edward Walker talks about Netflix's new series, "Watership Down," with John Ehrett, writer, attorney, and editor at the Conciliar Post.

    Check out these additional resources on this week’s podcast topics:

    Buy "Schaeffer: On the Christian Life by William Edgar"

    Learn more about Schaeffer's contribution to liberty

    Register here to hear P.J. O'Rourke in Chicago

    Read "Why Watership Down Should Be On Every Student's Reading List," by John Ehrett

    Watch the trailer for Netflix's "Watership Down"

    Do you have questions for the Radio Free Acton team that you would like answered in future podcast segments? We want to hear from you! Leave a message at 888-705-4180 or email [email protected]. Lastly, if you like what you heard on today’s episode, don’t forget to give us a rating on iTunes.​

    Featured image "Watership Down," (Season 1, airs Dec. 22 & 23, 2018). Credit: ©Netflix / Courtesy: Everett Collection