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Kevin Vallier, political philosopher and associate professor of philosophy at Bowling Green State University, joins Dan Hugger to discuss Catholic Integralism and his forthcoming book All the Kingdoms of the World: On Radical Religious Alternatives to Liberalism, which publishes with Oxford University Press in September.

What is Catholic Integralism and what is its relation to Catholic Social Teaching? What is its history and the story of its contemporary rise? How has it caused controversy in the broader Church and world? What is the American Integralist theory of social change?How concerned should ordinary people be about this movement? What fuels this sort of deep discontent with liberalism and modernity?

The conversation then turns what a constructive political-theological vision would look like and Kevin’s future plans.

Trust in a Polarized Age | Acton Line

Immortale Dei


They Have Uncrowned Him | Amazon

The Josias

Adrian Vermeule | Harvard

Vatican II's Declaration on Religious Freedom: Revision, Reform, or Continuity? | Youtube

Selections from Three Works | Liberty Fund

Non Possumus | First Things

The Church's Once-Notorious Seizure of a Jewish Child Is Back. Why? | Mosaic

Against David French-ism | First Things

Integration from Within | American Affairs

Liberalism and the Invisible Hand | American Affairs

Patrick Deneen’s Otherworldly Regime | Religion & Liberty

Patrick Deneen and Our Otherworldly Postliberal “Future” | Acton Unwind

Replace the Elite | First Things

What Is To Be Done? | Wikipedia

All The Kingdoms of the World | Oxford University Press

All The Kingdoms of the World |

The Revolt of The Public and the Crisis of Authority in the New Millenium | Amazon