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    In a recent interview for Vogue, Prince Harry declared to British anthropologist Jane Goodall that he and Meghan plan on having only two children -- due to environmental concerns. Alarmist predictions about the results of overpopulation is nothing new, of course. Even Goodall herself said in 2010, that "[i]t's our population growth that underlies just about every single one of the problems that we’ve inflicted on the planet." So, is earth really overpopulated? And will having less children save the planet? Stephen Barrows, Acton's managing director of programs, joins the podcast to explain the economics behind the issue and how to thoughtfully approach concerns about the environment. After that, Dr. Eric Larson, Clinical Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at Michigan State University, takes a look at Medicare for All, explaining current problems in health care as well as just how costly Medicare for All would be.

    Check out additional resources for this episode:

    Prince Harry Plans 2 Children ‘Maximum,’ for the Sake of the Planet

    Why Baby Strikes Won’t Save the Planet

    Prince Harry’s two-child policy?

    Why the Population Bomb Was a Dud

    But Why Did Julian Simon Win The Paul Ehrlich Bet?

    Democrats brawl over ‘Medicare for All’ during debate

    The Detroit Debate Quickly Turned Into A Big Scrum Over Health Care

    Public Option Kills Private Insurance

    Check out Dr. Eric Larson’s podcast, “The Paradocs”

    Featured image editorial credit: Shaun Jeffers /