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It's always appropriate to discuss the tragedy of poverty, perhaps even more so with the approaching 50th anniversary of many of The Great Society programs. Much of America's government centralization has been motivated by movements to alleviate poverty and care for the downtrodden. An iconic Life Magazine photo spread in 1964 titled, "The Valley of Poverty" visualized for Americans haunting images of poverty in Appalachia. But many agree that the government's war on poverty has largely been a failure with devastating consequences.

In this interview with Father James Schall, he helps us to think differently about poverty. Father Schall, a logical and clear thinker, turns many of the arguments we hear in society about poverty on their head and reintroduces us to deeper truths about the human person and Church teaching.

Rodger E. Broomé & Eric James Russell offer an article about some of the problems facing the youth in our culture today. The millennial generation or young people often get a bad rap—this is nothing new—but as secularization of our society increases, it's often the impressionable and vulnerable who are affected most. You may find yourself agreeing or disagreeing with some of their observations, but their conclusions are sound because their theology is sound.

Timothy J. Barnett reviews Reckoning with Markets: Moral Reflections in Economics by James Halteman & Ed Noell. Rev. Johannes Jacobse reviews George Gilder's new book Knowledge and Power. The most quoted living writer by President Ronald Reagan, Gilder proclaims in Knowledge and Power, "When faith dies, so does enterprise."

This issue also offers an excerpt on the importance of decentralization from Abraham Kuyper's Guidance for Christian Engagement in Government. It's the firstever English translation of Kuyper's Our Program, which was published in 1879. The intention of his work was to inform people participating in the Dutch general elections of 1879. Kuyper (1837 – 1920) was a Dutch prime minister and Reformed theologian whose work has been instrumental in the influence and thought of the Acton Institute.

Hildegard of Bingen (1098 – 1179) is the "In the Liberal Tradition" figure. She is a saint in the Anglican and Catholic churches, and Pope Benedict named her a Doctor of the Church. Hildegard is primarily known for her miraculous visions and contributions to music. She also praised and highlighted the contributions of vocation and work outside the Church, earning her popularity among the laity.

In Rev. Robert Sirico's column, he offers his thoughts on Acton University. The program truly embodies the very best of the Acton Institute and reminds us of the value of fellowship and coming together to not only transform the world, but transform our hearts towards God.