In the face of fiscal irresponsibility—soaring deficits, sweeping new healthcare regulations, and an uncontrollable national debt—the Acton Institute offers a fresh and unique perspective. For over 28 years, the Institute has worked to connect economic freedom, free enterprise, and entrepreneurship with a vibrant Judeo-Christian moral culture. Through a wide range of research publications, visual media, and educational conferences, Acton reaches millions each year with its trademark synthesis of faith and freedom. In addition to common demands for limited government and lower taxes, Acton believes that liberty is best preserved when man’s God-given dignity is recognized and respected. Only when our rights are rooted in something deeper—our intrinsic value as image-bearers of God—are they absolutely secure. Such a vision frees us from intrusive and utopian government initiatives, allowing us to produce wealth and share it with those most in need.
Please join Rev. Robert A. Sirico, co-founder and president of Acton Institute, and other supporters and friends of Acton on the evening of Tuesday, October 2 at the Duquesne Club in picturesque downtown Pittsburgh, for a cocktail reception followed by dinner and a special keynote address. Register now to save your spot at this popular event.