For the past 25 years, Mr. Bex has served as the President and board member of The Remnant Trust, Inc. Currently located in Lubbock, Texas and Cambridge City, Indiana, The Remnant Trust was founded in 1997 and incorporated in 1999. Mr. Bex served The Remnant Trust in its infancy as an original board member and incorporator. He found its ideas to be unique, interesting and thought it might accomplish some good in a rapidly evolving world of modernizing technology.
Always being drawn towards literature, Mr. Bex grew up with a basic understanding of history. He continues to cultivate a deeply rooted interest in philosophy, politics and the origins of these ideas. Combining these traditional studies with an interest in science fiction and future fiction, Mr. Bex often discovers parallel implications of liberty and dignity.
First encountering an antiquarian document while visiting England at the Bodleian Library of the University of Oxford, young Mr. Bex found the experience of being able to hold, touch, and read books from an earlier era a different experience: He found an experience that concretizes his knowledge of history. Seeing similar books in the current Remnant Trust collection as a catalyst for contemplation and conversation, he hopes people will talk about the ideas within them. He hopes people will discuss why those ideas are or are not relevant. He hopes readers will engaged more fully with those ideas.
The Remnant Trust is unique in its license to allow readers to handle all the books in its collection. Perhaps the most rewarding part of his job, The Remnant Trust is truly a singular institution in this allowance. In addition, Mr. Bex enjoys using the experience as a teaching moment to instruct others about democracy, republics, and great ideas.
BA English. Hillsdale College, MI
MA Literature. Indiana University-Purdue University, IN