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Sirico Parables book







DATE: 25 novembre 2009 
PLACE: Pontifical University of the Holy Cross

SUMMARY: Istituto Acton organized an event for the presentation of  Peter T. Bauer's Dalla Sussistenza allo scambio. Uno sguardo critico sugli aiuti allo sviluppo (From subsidy to change, a critical view on foreign aid and development). The event took place  at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross before an audience of academics,  business professionals, entrepeneurs and clergy.  The debate focused on the negative effects foreign aid has on developing countries, arguing that true solutions are found in entrepenuership and free market economy. 


  • Federica Guidi (President, Giovani Imprenditori di Confindustria)
  • Paolo Savona   (President, Unicredit Banca di Roma)
  • Martin Schlag   ( Professor of Moral Theology, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross)