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Sirico Parables book

Donald Devine is senior scholar at The Fund for American Studies. Devine served as President Ronald Reagan’s civil service director during the president's first term in office. During that time, the Washington Post labeled him “Reagan’s Terrible Swift Sword of the Civil Service” for cutting bureaucrats and reducing billions in spending. Today, Devine travels the country teaching Constitutional Leadership Seminars to young people and speaking to groups about reviving the Constitution and saving the marriage between libertarianism and traditionalism.

Before and after his government service, Devine was an academic, teaching 14 years as associate professor of government and politics at the University of Maryland and for a decade as a professor of Western civilization at Bellevue University. He is a columnist and author of eight books, including his most recent America’s Way Back: Reclaiming Freedom, Tradition and Constitution. Devine served as an advisor to Reagan from 1976 to 1985, to Sen. Bob Dole from 1988-1996 and to Steve Forbes between 1998-2000.