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Rev. John Nunes is currently an assistant professor of theology at Concordia University, River Forest (Chicago, Illinois). He serves also as pastor for Bethany Lutheran Church, Chicago. Additionally he provides consulting support to Wheat Ridge Ministries as a Staff Associate for Urban Ministry Research and to the Acton Institute think tank as a Research Fellow. The author of Voices from the City, Nunes writes and presents widely on topics related to urban mission, social theology and ministry among youth. He is a contributing scholar to Modern Reformation magazine and holds membership in the American Academy of Religion. Nunes serves on the national board of Lutherans For Life and the editorial board of the Acton Institute's Religion and Liberty . He has provided pastoral leadership for inner-city ministries in New York, Michigan and Texas. He has also taught for the State University of New York at Buffalo and within the Concordia University System. Currently John is pursuing a Ph.D. through the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. He holds a BA from Concordia College, Ann Arbor, MI, a Master of Divinity from Concordia Seminary in St. Catharines, ON, Canada, and received an honorary doctorate in May 2004 from Concordia University, Ann Arbor.

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