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Sirico Parables book

Dr. Jonathan Witt is the lead writer for the PovertyCure initiative, as well as the associate producer and lead script writer for the PovertyCure DVD Series.  In addition to his scripting work on this series and two other Acton DVD series, he provided scripting work for Acton’s upcoming poverty documentary and wrote three documentary scripts that have appeared on PBS, including The Call of the Entrepreneur and The Birth of Freedom.  Witt is co-author of A Meaningful World (IVP). His academic essays have appeared in Touchstone, Crisis, Philosophia Christi, The Princeton Theological Review, The Flannery O'Connor Bulletin, and Oxford’s Literature and Theology.  His opinion pieces have appeared in The Seattle Times, The Kansas City Star, Science & Theology News, Breakpoint, and The American Spectator; and his fiction and creative non-fiction in the literary journals Windhover and New Texas.  Currently he and Jay Richards are finishing an Ignatius Press book on the political-economic vision of J.R.R. Tolkien.  Witt is a native of Amarillo, Texas.


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