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    During Christmastime in China in 2015, 1,700 churches were torn down or vandalized, a result of the Chinese government growing increasingly hostile to Christianity. In 2018, The Chinese government raided and shut down churches ahead of Christmas and detained pastors and members caught celebrating. From reports of labor camps in the country to growing surveillance through technology, China is increasingly cracking down on freedom. This is all laid out in a new book, titled Deceiving the Sky: Inside Communist China's Drive for Global Supremacy. The author, Bill Gertz, joins us on Acton Line to discuss. He’s a national security columnist for the Washington Times and senior editor of the Washington Free Beacon.

    Check out additional resources for this episode:

    Buy: Deceiving the Sky: Inside Communist China’s drive for global supremacy

    China Closes Megachurches Before Christmas

    Chinese City Bans Christmas Displays Amid Religious Crackdown

    Christian family details crackdown on church in China

    Watch: Bill Gertz  on China and US National Security

    Featured image credit: Ed Jones/Getty Images.