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Sirico Parables book


    As of March 18, Coronavirus, or COVID-19 -- which originated in Wuhan, China -- has infected over 200,000 people and has killed more than 8,000 people globally. What responsive measures should have been taken by China that weren't? How did the People's Republic of China put the world in danger by failing the people of Wuhan, and who in China risked their lives and even the lives of their family members to raise the alarm for your sake? Helen Raleigh, a senior contributor at The Federalist, answers.

    Inside Coronavirus Epicenter Wuhan, Chinese Fight For Life

    Chinese Doctor Arrested For Alerting World About Coronavirus Dies A Hero

    WHO Shouldn’t Let Politics Risk People’s Lives From The Coronavirus

    Hear The Voices From Wuhan That China Has Tried To Censor

    Conspiracy theorists blame U.S. for coronavirus. China is happy to encourage them.

    Banished in Beijing: China expels three WSJ reporters to deflect from its coronavirus woes.

    Read the Wuhan Diaries