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    This week, Eric Kohn, Dan Hugger, and Dylan Pahman are joined by special guest Rabbi Jonathan Greenberg to discuss the recent New York Times article on New York City’s Orthodox yeshivas. Is the Times piece fair? What interest does the state have in the kind of education the children in Hasidic enclaves in New York City are receiving? And is America becoming increasingly inhospitable to Jews? Then the guys discuss the move by some state governors to send migrants who arrive at the southern border to so-called sanctuary cities. Is this a defensible policy, with the supposed ends justifying using fellow humans as the means of making a political point?

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    In Hasidic Enclaves, Failing Private Schools Flush with Public Money | New York Times

    The Jews of the Jews | Moshe Krakowski, Commentary

    The Plot Against Jewish Education | Liel Leibovitz, Tablet Magazine

    New York State vs. the Yeshivas | Eli Spitzer, Mosaic Magazine

    Religious Liberty in the States | Center for Religion, Culture & Democracy