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Sirico Parables book


    This week, Eric, Dan, and Dylan talk conservative boycott culture: Bud Light, Target, the Los Angeles Dodgers, and more. If the social responsibility of business is to increase profits, as Milton Friedman said, is there a way we can return to that understanding? Or are we going to be stuck in a political tug-of-war where people on the left and the right want the oars of every institution pulling in the same direction—their direction? Next, they examine the newly passed debt ceiling deal. Will we ever find a way out of government-by-crisis so we can have a real conversation about the utterly irresponsible debt load the country is carrying? And finally, have you heard of the Marvin Heemeyer “Killdozer” story from 2004? If anyone tries to tell you he’s some kind of a hero, just a regular guy pushed to the limit by a capricious city government, don’t believe it. Eric lays out the real facts.

    Subscribe to our podcasts

    The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits | Milton Friedman, New York Times Magazine

    The social responsibility of Chick-fil-A is to make delicious sandwiches | Dylan Pahman, Acton Institute

    The Good That Business Does | Robert G. Kennedy

    To boycott or not to boycott Disney, that is the question | Dan Hugger, Acton Institute

    The Rise and Fall of the Spokestroll | Abe Greenwald, Commentary

    What’s in the US debt ceiling deal and who won? | BBC

    Marvin Heemeyer & The Killdozer | Wikipedia

    Tread (2019) Documentary

    Photo Credit: ASSOCIATED PRESS