This week, Dan Hugger, Dan Churchwell, and Dylan Pahman discuss the question of artificial intelligence, particularly the software behind a series of AI chatbots that have become publicly available in the past year. What are the possible uses and abuses, especially when incorporated into search engines like Microsoft’s Bing? And what happens when they stop being polite and start acting as if they were alive?
Then the panel discusses a paper presented last week by Dylan Pahman at the Intercollegiate Studies Institute’s American Politics and Government Summit. The paper, titled “A Brief, Christian Prehistory of American Liberalism,” addresses an ongoing and often contentious debate within the American conservative movement on the place of the liberal tradition within conservatism.
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A Concerning Trend | Neil Clarke
Bing Chat is blatantly, aggressively misaligned | Less Wrong
Is Bing too belligerent? Microsoft looks to tame AI chatbot | AP News
American Politics And Government Summit | ISI