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The Acton Institute invites you to
The Presentation of the 2014 Novak Award

to Dr. Oskari Juurikkala 

who will deliver the Calihan Lecture
"A Free-Market Appreciation of Pope Francis”


Event is free and open to the public.

Simultaneous translation provided (English – Italian)

Reception to follow

PRESS RELEASE on 2014 Novak Award Winner

Dr. Oskari Juurikkala is currently pursuing post-graduate studies in theology at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. Educated in both law (London School of Economics) and economics (Helsinki School of Economics), Dr. Juurikkala earned a joint Ph.D. in law and economics from the University of Eastern Finland in 2012. His doctoral research concentrated on the impact of government regulation on financial markets. Prior to coming to Rome for further studies, he advised the Finns Party on European Union economic policy, served as consultant to Providentia, whose mission is dedicated to virtuous leadership training for business professionals, and as legal counsel to the Finnish minerals exploration firm Magnus Minerals. (Read Full Bio)


About the Novak Award: Named after distinguished American theologian Michael Novak, this $10,000 award rewards new outstanding scholarly research concerning the relationship between religion, economic freedom, and the free and virtuous society. This award recognizes those scholars early in their academic career who demonstrate outstanding intellectual merit in advancing the understanding of theology’s connection to human dignity, the importance of the rule of law, limited government, religious liberty, and freedom in economic life. Recipients of the Novak Award make a formal presentation on such questions at an annual public forum known as the Calihan Lecture(More info)