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Lord John Dalberg-Acton’s life as a historian, parliamentarian, political and religious controversialist was one animated by the central insight of liberty. He is famous for elegantly quipping, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." His defense of free inquiry, freedom of religion, and the liberal tradition in both his life and writings serve as a model for thoughtful and passionate engagement with the modern world. What can we learn from Lord Acton? And how can we apply that today? What would he say about our world today and what we should do?

Come join Dan Hugger and many other friends of liberty and Acton and be a part of the discussion and debate on all things Acton!

A vital part of Acton's staff, Dan is responsible for Acton’s expansive library as the institute librarian. He holds a B.A. in History from Hillsdale College and also has a background in teaching, receiving his certification in Social Sciences and English from Calvin College. He is recently married to his wife, Nicole and resides in Grand Rapids.

Follow Dan Hugger on Twitter!

This is a FREE event! If you cannot attend, please email Nick Porter at [email protected] so we can give you a complimentary copy of the evening's audio when it becomes available.