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In his new book, Divided We Fall: America's Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation, senior editor at The Dispatch David French surveys the landscape of a politically and culturally polarized America, examining the true dimensions and dangers of this widening ideological gap. Just two days after the 2020 election, French will address the impacts the election outcomes (to the extent that they are known) will have on an increasingly divided and tribalistic nation, with each faction believing their distinct cultures and liberties are being threatened by an escalating violent opposition.

To what extent could not only the nation but the world be destabilized if the cultural and political divide in America worsens? How can the Americans come to embrace the values of kindness, decency, and grace towards those we disagree with ideologically in a time when the opposite is more often rewarded? How important is faith in an increasingly secular world to overcoming our polarized society? French will address these questions in more in this exclusive post-election conversation.

This lecture is livestream only. A free livestream of this lecture will be available to view @ 12 noon Eastern on November 5.

David French
David French
The Dispatch

Senior Editor

David French is a senior editor at The Dispatch, a columnist at Time, and a former senior writer at National Review. A graduate of Harvard Law School, David is a former lecturer at Cornell Law School and a former constitutional litigator who served as a senior counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom and the American Center for Law and Justice. David is a former major in the United States Army Reserve. In 2007, he deployed to Iraq with the Third Armored Cavalry Regiment, where he earned a Bronze Star. A best-selling author, David's most recent book, Divided We Fall: America's Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation, was released earlier this year. 

Event Details

Start Date

End Date

12:00 p.m. Lecture begins
12:30 p.m. Q&A
1:00 p.m. Lecture ends


Event livestream is free and will be available to view @ 12 noon Eastern on November 5.