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Sirico Parables book

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  • Letter from the Director - November/December 2010

    Dear Friends of Istituto Acton, Welcome back to our regular Acton analysis on issues concerning religion and economics. Because of our December 2 Rome conference on the ethical care of the elderly and the upcoming Christmas and New Year’s holidays, we decided to combine our November and December editions into one. Which is not to say that there has been any lack of news coming from Rome and the Vatican the last few weeks.
  • Letter from the Director - October 2010

    Dear Friends of Istituto Acton, After several months of little or no activity, Rome bustles with conferences, visitors, and other happenings from October until Christmas. (Don’t ask me why Romans decide to waste several months of the year and then try to jam everything into two months. It makes no sense but seems to have been going on for centuries.) Our friend and Vatican expert John L. Allen calls the second week in October “Sweeps Week” for all its intensity.
  • Letter from Director Kishore Jayabalan - September 2010

    Dear Friends of Istituto Acton, Welcome back to those of you who enjoyed a long Roman/European summer holiday. I hope you’re refreshed and recharged for the autumn, which will be an active one for Istituto Acton in its spirited defense of a free and virtuous society. Among upcoming major events are a November 9 conference on free-enterprise solutions to poverty in Lisbon, Portugal, and a December 2 Rome conference on the ethical care of the elderly. Be sure to check the new and improved Acton website for details.
  • Letter from the Director -- April 2010

    Dear Friends of Istituto Acton, Religion and economics, along with the enormous cloud of volcanic ash lingering over most of Europe, have dominated the news headlines in April, so there is an abundance of material for reflection and commentary.
  • Letter from the Director - January 2010

    Dear friends of Istituto Acton, Welcome to 2010’s first international edition of “Istituto Acton Expert Analysis” We sent you two similar mailings last year compiling recent Acton News and Commentary articles with Italian translations as well as some media related to the work of the Acton Institute, but this is the debut of an introductory “Letter from the Director.” Permit me to explain briefly what we are trying to do with this bi-lingual monthly mailing.
  • Caritas in Veritate: The Truth about Humanity

    Many commentators read Pope Benedict XVI’s Caritas in Veritate as if it were a think tank white paper, and ask whether he endorses their particular policy preferences. It is a mistake to read the encyclical in this way. A close look at the document’s introduction makes plain that Benedict is not a man of the Left or of the Right: He is a non-ideological man of God.