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Sirico Parables book

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  • Letter from Rome

    Dear Friends of Istituto Acton, Welcome to our newly-renamed Newsletter and this introductory epistle, also with a more alluring title, for July-August 2011. We’ve combined these two months into one summer edition because, as most if not all of you know, the entire country of Italy almost completely shuts down during this time, and I wouldn’t be a very wise or popular director if I didn’t do as the Romans do and close down shop.
  • Asceticism and the Consumer Society

    Consumerism and the Negation of Worship. Among other things, living our life in Christ requires that we grasp the spiritual significance of two opposing forces with us: The flesh vs. the body The world vs. creation In the current social context, and so for this evening’s conversation, let me please add another set of opposing movements in the human heart:
  • Letter from the Director

    May 2011 Dear Friends of Istituto Acton, The month of May started with a bang for us in Rome with the beatification of John Paul II, and it feels as if the energy from that glorious event has carried us through one of the busiest seasons in the city and around the university scene here.
  • The upcoming challenges of aging populations for the family and society

    A cursory glance at Italian society reveals a rapidly aging population, far removed from the stereotypical image of the Italian family with three generations enjoying a long and leisurely Sunday lunch together. The evidence of the shrinking Italian family is beyond doubt, but the social and economic effects of an aging population have yet to enter into our public consciousness. On December 2, 2010, the Acton Institute, along with co-sponsors the Pontifical Council for the Family, the John Paul II Institute for the Study of Marriage and Family, Associazione Famiglia Domani, Centro