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Sirico Parables book


Centesimus Annus Conference Series (Rome - December 12, 2006) - Centesimus Annus and Deus Caritas Est

His Imperial and Royal Highness, Otto von Habsburg was born in 1912 as the son of the last emperor of Austria-Hungary, Blessed Charles I. Dr. Habsburg studied social and political sciences at the Catholic University of Leuven and graduated in 1935. He has lived in several countries, and was a strong advocate for a free Austria during the period of Nazi occupation. He served as a member of the European Parliament for the Christian Social Union of Bavaria (CSU) party from 1979-1999. An early proponent of a unified Europe, Dr. Habsburg has written and spoken widely on this theme, including books such as The Social Order of Tomorrow (1957). He has also authored a biography of his ancestor, the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (1970).